Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Stayed in Benicassim last night which seems v pleasant, but strangely empty, as I think all the Spanish kids have gone back to school. Nicer for us, but I am a little worried that not all campsites will be open all year round, still, it´s nice not to have to bother with actual holiday camps any more! Time for more wild camping I reckon.
Will has been playing one song on the guitar for the whole three weeks so far. I am beginning to go mad, and am seriously thinking about selling it to some urchin... Apart from that everything is cool, no fights yet!!
Please let me know any gossip from home, and also email your address if you would like some kind of utterly tasteful postcard. This means you, Lizzie, as I have been sitting on one for two weeks not able to send it!
Love ´n´ stuff
K ´n´ W
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Tossa de Mar...
Thursday, August 24, 2006
no habla espagnol
We are currently in Figueres, Catalunya, hoping to go to the Dali museum, and then heading on to Girona tomorrow. Also if anyone fancies a trip to Bordeaux I will be celebrating my birthday there with my family and Rachel and Dan - I know it´s a bit of a way but still thought I´d mention it! Will be going out somewhere on 16th Sept (a Saturday) then my actual birthday is the following day.
About to try and find out if there are any bands playing the continent while we are here - if anyone has any tips please let us know. I´ve heard AC/DC are often on tour...
Saturday, August 19, 2006
La Chenaie
Anyway, a couple of pics so far (mostly of Cornwall, but more to follow)...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Nous sommes en France
Last night's sojourn in Plymouth was an experience we won't be repeating - once we got over the Scouse crack whores at the docks we then had our dinner soundtrack provided by joyriding children screaming racist abuse at passers-by. Roscoff seemed much tamer by comparison, although I suppose it was a little early for any debauchery when we drove through this morning. Hoping to be at La Chenaie by the weekend, also if anyone fancies a trip to Galicia we are hoping to be there during the first week of September. Will be more precise soon, I promise!
Love K and W xx
Monday, August 14, 2006
Bye bye England, Bonjour la belle France!
Monday, August 07, 2006
The Mystery Machine

So today is the first day of my and Will's journey round Europe for three months, in this beautiful beast:
So far ideas for his name have revolved around variations on a German theme: Dieter, Jurgen etc etc, but if anyone thinks of any more please let us know.
First stop is as far as Taunton(!) to pick up supplies from a motorhome dealer, then onwards to Cornwall and hopefully France by the end of the week. Then on to Alicante, to see Ben and Charlie, back up to Galicia and then to Bordeaux to meet up with fellow travellers (or work-shy meisters) Dan and Rachel.
I will attempt to keep this blog up-to-date to let anyone who is interested in coming to see us know our rough itinerary, but to the probable surprise of absolutely no-one we are a bit vague still! Also I believe Giles will be keeping some kind of book as to how far we actually get - I am hoping for Istanbul but apparently some people seem to think that is optimistic!
Also please get in touch via the comments page or email, or by text, as both our phones work abroad.