Hi, we are at my parents' house after spending two days "wild camping" i.e. not at a campsite which is great from a financial point of view, being free, and also meant that we weren't surrounded by screaming kids the whole time, but we did have several issues like running out of electricity and water. Just minor details then. And after having been a party to the emptying of the Thetford toilet cassette (retching the whole time I'm afraid) there is now a no stool rule, which meant sprinting into town as soon as the cafes opened on a couple of occasions. I don't think we will be welcomed back to Rochefort-en-Terre unfortunately, as this was only the epilogue to an evening spent drinking with a French Elvis impersonator and his entourage--much bad Franglais ensued.
Anyway, a couple of pics so far (mostly of Cornwall, but more to follow)...

Cool pictures! Will and Pete look sort of alike in that pub picture- maybe its spending too much time in Cornwall...
I can't believe how long it took you to realise that your shit stank. How long have you two been together? And I hope you're not expecting me to shit on the hard shoulder when there's a perfectly useable toilet available...
Dan there is no option. Unless you are prepared to empty the Thetford yourself - I promise you, it´s not pretty.
No, it's ok. I'll just shit in a carrier bag and throw it out the window.
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