Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Flange-mounted active probe

Yes, that's what I'm working on. Snarf.


Dan said...

Did you just say 'Snarf'? As in the endlessly repeated catchphrase of Snarf from Thundercats?

Emma (not at all jammy) said...

Is it not a bit of a cheat to have a catchphrase which is the same as your name? Which came first I wonder? I feel a trip to Wikipedia coming on...

Flanges sound a darn sight more exciting than a book about the Road Traffic Act 1988 which I am currently copy editing. Kill me now.

Emma (not at all jammy) said...

Snarf is not only his first name and his catch phrase, but it's also the name of the entire species. The Thundercats writers were obviously running out of ideas then.

Methinks I should get out more.

Dan said...

They'd already exhausted themselves by coming up with Liono, Tigra, Cheetara and Panthro. Plus, of course, Wily Kit and Kat. What do you want from these people, blood?

Kate said...

Points duly noted. Will promise to refrain from such generic logisms in future.