I am typing into the world of internet ot bring you my story of non-pecuniary related food acquisition in the month of August. I will still be getting the delivery of Small Organic box from Abel and Cole and also milk delivery. The only criteria I have set for myself is not to purchase food from a point of sale in August by means of exchange of money. I can barter (e.g. surfeit of apples for honey), farm (e.g. potatoes from veg patch - see ace pic of Dan - if I can get the photo thing to work), rely on freeganism (e.g. my parents will certainly have more courgettes than they can eat or preserve at this time of year), and forage (e.g. blackberries are beginning to appear).
Well, good luck with that If I have any spare tomatoes I'll let you know (highly unlikely).
How does it work if you give Kate or
someone else money and they buy food which you then eat?
Also you know you can add authors to a blog? So then you could have your own name at the bottom of the posts rather than Kate.
You gonna die like a daaawg. Should have saved that cheese juice...
Kate (now having to write in the third person) is also not allowed to buy food. Hence why it might annoy me (her), just a little.
So are you still going to post photographic evidence to back up your "stool diary"?
Day 1: Brown and semi-formed.
Day 2: Black and foul-smelling.
Day 3: Explosive decompression, watery flecks.
I'll trade you four of your potatoes for a Big Mac and Fries.
So not coming to visit you any time soon.
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