Friday, August 01, 2008

In response to Dan's question:
I understand that the "Curing" or "Leatherising" process is designed to encourage the formation of sugars, in order to stop the food tasting so astrigent. I think that it is a sort of forced ripening. WillP.S. I am quite hungry already


Dan said...

Weird, I thought you could just leave the fruit in the sun and it would ripen a bit more. But I'll take your word for it.

Anonymous said...

My understanding is that what fruit does in the fruit bowl isn't the same kind of ripening as it does on the branch. cutting it into strips and 'leatherising' encourages the same process that would normally occur in the fruitbowl but speeded up cos there's more surface area.

PS I'm just making this up but it seems kind of plausible.