So today is the first day of my and Will's journey round Europe for three months, in this beautiful beast:
So far ideas for his name have revolved around variations on a German theme: Dieter, Jurgen etc etc, but if anyone thinks of any more please let us know.
First stop is as far as Taunton(!) to pick up supplies from a motorhome dealer, then onwards to Cornwall and hopefully France by the end of the week. Then on to Alicante, to see Ben and Charlie, back up to Galicia and then to Bordeaux to meet up with fellow travellers (or work-shy meisters) Dan and Rachel.
I will attempt to keep this blog up-to-date to let anyone who is interested in coming to see us know our rough itinerary, but to the probable surprise of absolutely no-one we are a bit vague still! Also I believe Giles will be keeping some kind of book as to how far we actually get - I am hoping for Istanbul but apparently some people seem to think that is optimistic!
Also please get in touch via the comments page or email, or by text, as both our phones work abroad.
I believe Dan sent you some excellent name suggestions. My personal favourite is 'Scheissmund'.
Maybe you could call it 'Hymmler'... Or continue your bizarre habit of pilfering names from the books I edit and call it 'Mog the Forgetful Van'. Bon Voyage, Mr and Mrs Griffiths - see you in France (I hope!)Lx
Lucy also suggested Franz Sturdy Van - but unfortunately that would be against the Trades Description Act. We've not quite managed to leave England yet...
Greetings Kate & Will
hmm Kate - from your description the van was meant to look like some crapped-out rust bucket on 4 wheels - looks like a perfectly solid chariot of speed to me. I thought you would be tootling about your travels in something akin to the Trotters Reliant Robin. Mind you that tool kit might come in handy after all. D reg and all... :-)
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