Thursday, September 14, 2006

Photos so far

Finally found somewhere to do photos, so here are a selection, up to September 9:

Toledo cathedral

Will at Benicassim campsite

Charlie, Will and Ben at Pacha in Torrevieja

Kate eating pudding with what looks like washing up liquid poured on it

Meal out with Will´s cousins in Tossa de Mar

Will "El Capitaine" driving the camper


Anonymous said...

I thought that the highwayman was supposed to be outside the vehicle ?*!?
Plus ca change!

Anonymous said...

That green stuff can also be found in Argentina. Both Rich and I had to completely different puddings, both smeared in suspicious looking bile, washing up liquid, snot like stuff! Tasted okay though, kinda minty! love Rachxxx

Anonymous said...

Great picture of Ben, Charlie and Will, be warned do not enlarge on your screen, slightly disturbing, especially the eyes!

Hope this time will not put as anoymous, having trouble with spanish computers!