Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Birthday approaching... fast!

OK, not fast. More like in September. But that's no reason not to come up with a ludicrously over-complicated plan right now!

I am thinking of coming up to London (madness I know) and either hiring somewhere out to put on a Labyrinth-themed 80s Venetian ball*:

* For which I have found a supplier of masks. But no big hair yet, excluding my own of course.
Otherwise I have heard tell of a night called Guilty Pleasures, at Koko, and it has been suggested that with my eclectic (OK, indiscriminate and sometimes crap) taste in music this might be an option.
Thoughts on a postcard please!

1 comment:

Emma (not at all jammy) said...

I would LOVE to go to a Labyrinth themed night. Though I might have to wear a pair of very tight trousers with some fruit stuffed down them. Bring it on!