Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Is a really lovely place we spent a few hours in yesterday, recovering from a late night out in Tossa with Chris and Jack - we ended up hitching home to the campsite as there were no taxis that late - oops! I have some stupid photos but again no facility to put them up yet - I´ll try again later. Been driving down the Costas Brava and Alzahar on our way to Alicante - I think this is when things could take a turn for the surreal and am a little scared. I saw Giles when he came back from there a while ago!

Stayed in Benicassim last night which seems v pleasant, but strangely empty, as I think all the Spanish kids have gone back to school. Nicer for us, but I am a little worried that not all campsites will be open all year round, still, it´s nice not to have to bother with actual holiday camps any more! Time for more wild camping I reckon.

Will has been playing one song on the guitar for the whole three weeks so far. I am beginning to go mad, and am seriously thinking about selling it to some urchin... Apart from that everything is cool, no fights yet!!

Please let me know any gossip from home, and also email your address if you would like some kind of utterly tasteful postcard. This means you, Lizzie, as I have been sitting on one for two weeks not able to send it!

Love ´n´ stuff

K ´n´ W


Anonymous said...

OK, here's all the important things you never needed to know: Pete (champion of Tourettes)won BB by a landslide - HC have already swooped with biog deal, Johnny Razorlight got chatted up by Kate Moss but turned her down with the kind words 'you're too old' (she's back with Doherty after brief Brand dalliance), Owen Wilson protesteth at claims that he's the reason behind the K Hudson/Chris Black Crowes split, Paul Dahan ended the series of Love Island by massacring all other contestants with a crossbow fashioned out of woven banana leaves then ran over himself with a jetski in homage to Brian Harvey... PS. I hope my postcard isn't too squished!

Anonymous said...

my word you chaps have some famous friends.

Anonymous said...

Or a nearby copy of Heat magazine and an overactive imagination...

Anonymous said...

Guys, all I can say is approach the nightlife in Torrevieja with extreme caution. Here are my top tips to survival: 1. Carry a fully charged mobile phone and map with you at all times. 2. Tattoo both Charles' and Ben's addresses to your foreheads (saves trying to drunkenly speak French to Spanish people and continually asking for Cafe Soliel) you can simply point to your foreheads instead. 3. Do not eat the brains of the langoustines. 4. Do not go drinking "solo" with Ben (keep at least one other person as well as Ben with you at all times. 5. Above all, do not flag down cars, get in, get driven several miles in the wrong direction and then continue drinking with a bunch of random strangers. If all this fails and you do end up wandering the streets of "Torre" into the small hours there's a cheap hotel in the centre of town where rooms can be had at any time of the day or night for a mere 40 euros. Trust me, it's better than sleeping rough. Have fun.

Anonymous said...

Hot diggerty damn. if only that had happened in Love Island.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should sell Will to an urchin... Missing you lots!

Anonymous said...

Maybe swap the guitar for a teetotal trustworthy urchin (realise this may be a logistical impossibility)who will be instructed to help you find shelter and first aid if Torrevieja lives up to its reputation. Also add 'If lost, please send me to Bordeaux for the 16th' to the forehead tattoos if there's space.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kate and Will!

Thought you should know that the mighty Steve Irwin has unfortunately died. Unsurprisingly, he met his demise while filming. What is surprising though is that he was not bitten by a snake or eaten by a crocodile, but stung by a stingray! Very sad news.

On the home front, Anna's house in London got broken into last night. She woke to find 3 men upstairs in her sitting room. Given that she was alone in the house, she wisely chose not to confront them but instead to climb out of her bedroom window and hop over the fence into the next door neighbour's garden. Whereupon she telephoned the police and got Anna and Marius (who live nearby) to telephone her neighbour to wake her up and let her in. The neighbour eventually let Anna in, together with Anna and Marius when they arrived. The police then turned up, hung around Anna's house for 5 minutes with radios blaring, calling for "dog vans and back-up". When said dogs and back-up arrived they opened Anna's front door to find all three burglars in Anna's bedroom divvying up her belongings. All three were then arrested and marched outside. Needless to say they had turned the house upside down and it's a total mess. But still, a victory for common sense over mindless stupidity. London, eh! Will, what do reckon they'll get? I think they're quite young and I've no idea about "form" etc.

Anonymous said...

Hay Guys.

Aola from Argentina. You seem to be having much more luck than us on your travels we have been plagued by injuries and bloody south american protestors so far! (look at blog for more info). Send all my love to Ben, Charlie, Lydia and Luba. chao, love Rachxxx

p.s. that is as good as my spanish gets, rich isn´t much better but i have nominated him the spanish speaker - i´m on thai when we get there!! (but i am assured most people speak english there unlike here).